Offense and Defense of the Furthest Ends
Ninetales δ 030/068 1st [PCG9-030]
450 JPY(tax excluded)
(tax included: 495 JPY)
Not available
PCG さいはての攻防 キュウコンδ-デルタ種 030/068
Ampharos δ 051/068 [PCG9-051]
450 JPY(tax excluded)
(tax included: 495 JPY)
Not available
PCG さいはての攻防 デンリュウδ-デルタ種 051/068
Milotic δ 013/068 [PCG9-013]
450 JPY(tax excluded)
(tax included: 495 JPY)
Not available
PCG さいはての攻防 ミロカロスδ-デルタ種 013/068