Diancie 074/114 SM4+ [SM4+074]
400 JPY(tax excluded)
(tax included: 440 JPY)
Morelull 075/114 SM4+ [SM4+075]
200 JPY(tax excluded)
(tax included: 220 JPY)
Shiinotic 076/114 SM4+ [SM4+076]
720 JPY(tax excluded)
(tax included: 792 JPY)
Tapu Lele 077/114 SM4+ [SM4+077]
1,680 JPY(tax excluded)
(tax included: 1,848 JPY)
Alolan Exeggutor 078/114 SM4+ [SM4+078]
Drampa 079/114 SM4+ [SM4+079]
Chansey 080/114 SM4+ [SM4+080]
980 JPY(tax excluded)
(tax included: 1,078 JPY)
Blissey 081/114 SM4+ [SM4+081]
Kangaskhan 082/114 SM4+ [SM4+082]
Eevee 083/114 SM4+ [SM4+083]
800 JPY(tax excluded)
(tax included: 880 JPY)
Rayquaza 084/114 SM4+ [SM4+084]
Type: Null 085/114 SM4+ [SM4+085]
Silvally GX 086/114 SM4+ [SM4+086]
1,980 JPY(tax excluded)
(tax included: 2,178 JPY)
Drampa GX 087/114 SM4+ [SM4+087]
1,480 JPY(tax excluded)
(tax included: 1,628 JPY)
Aqua Patch 088/114 SM4+ [SM4+088]
Escape Rope 089/114 SM4+ [SM4+089]
500 JPY(tax excluded)
(tax included: 550 JPY)
Enhanced Hammer 090/114 SM4+ [SM4+090]
Timer Ball 091/114 SM4+ [SM4+091]
Nest Ball 092/114 SM4+ [SM4+092]
Field Blower 093/114 SM4+ [SM4+093]
Rare Candy 094/114 SM4+ [SM4+094]
Multi Switch 095/114 SM4+ [SM4+095]
Max Potion 096/114 SM4+ [SM4+096]
Rescue Stretcher 097/114 SM4+ [SM4+097]
Rotom Dex 098/114 SM4+ [SM4+098]
Electric Memory 099/114 SM4+ [SM4+099]
Ancient Crystal 100/114 SM4+ [SM4+100]
Choice Band 101/114 SM4+ [SM4+101]
Fire Memory 102/114 SM4+ [SM4+102]
600 JPY(tax excluded)
(tax included: 660 JPY)
Acerola 103/114 SM4+ [SM4+103]
1,280 JPY(tax excluded)
(tax included: 1,408 JPY)
Kiawe 104/114 SM4+ [SM4+104]
Guzma 105/114 SM4+ [SM4+105]
2,480 JPY(tax excluded)
(tax included: 2,728 JPY)
Lana 106/114 SM4+ [SM4+106]
Mallow 107/114 SM4+ [SM4+107]
Lillie 108/114 SM4+ [SM4+108]
Lusamine 109/114 SM4+ [SM4+109]
Aether Paradise Conservation Area 110/114 SM4+ [SM4+110]
Altar of the Moone 111/114 SM4+ [SM4+111]
Brooklet Hill 112/114 SM4+ [SM4+112]
Altar of the Sunne 113/114 SM4+ [SM4+113]
Double Colorless Energy 114/114 SM4+ [SM4+114]
Pheromosa GX 115/114 SM4+ [SM4+115]
3,980 JPY(tax excluded)
(tax included: 4,378 JPY)
Xurkitree GX 116/114 SM4+ [SM4+116]
Celesteela GX 117/114 SM4+ [SM4+117]
Lana 118/114 SM4+ [SM4+118]
8,560 JPY(tax excluded)
(tax included: 9,416 JPY)
Lillie 119/114 SM4+ [SM4+119]
35,760 JPY(tax excluded)
(tax included: 39,336 JPY)
Lusamine 120/114 SM4+ [SM4+120]
9,960 JPY(tax excluded)
(tax included: 10,956 JPY)
Pheromosa GX 121/114 SM4+ [SM4+121]
5,560 JPY(tax excluded)
(tax included: 6,116 JPY)
Xurkitree GX 122/114 SM4+ [SM4+122]
Celesteela GX 123/114 SM4+ [SM4+123]
4,960 JPY(tax excluded)
(tax included: 5,456 JPY)
Lunala GX 124/114 SM4+ [SM4+124]
Solgaleo GX 125/114 SM4+ [SM4+125]
Cacnea 001/050 SM4S [SM4S-001]
Cacturne 002/050 SM4S [SM4S-002]
Karrablast 003/050 SM4S [SM4S-003]
Skiddo 004/050 SM4S [SM4S-004]
Gogoat 005/050 SM4S [SM4S-005]
360 JPY(tax excluded)
(tax included: 396 JPY)
Alolan Marowak 006/050 SM4S [SM4S-006]
Numel 007/050 SM4S [SM4S-007]
Camerupt 008/050 SM4S [SM4S-008]