Each card from V Starter Decks (SD) was listed

V Starter Decks (SD) were released on July 10 2020, and are composed of nine decks as follows,
Grass Venusaur V Deck
Fire Incineroar V Deck
Water Wailord V Deck
Lightning Pikachu V Deck
Psychic Mew V Deck
Fighting Lucario V Deck
Darkness Galarian Slowbro V Deck
Metal Duraludon V Deck
Colorless Eevee V Deck
SD:V Starter Decks  
Grass Venusaur V Deck
001/127 Venusaur
002/127 Weedle
003/127 Kakuna
004/127 Beedrill
005/127 Heracross
006/127 Snover
007/127 Abomasnow
008/127 Gossifleur
009/127 Eldegoss
087/127 Potion
091/127 Great Ball
095/127 Rare Candy
097/127 Switch
098/127 Pokémon Catcher
102/127 Big Charm
108/127 Erika's Hospitality
113/127 Professor's Research
115/127 Poké Kid
117/127 Hop
120/127 Marnie
126/127 Turffield Stadium
— Grass Energy
Fire Incineroar V Deck
010/127 Vulpix
011/127 Ninetales
012/127 Ponyta
013/127 Rapidash
014/127 Entei
015/127 Incineroar
016/127 Scorbunny
017/127 Sizzlipede
018/127 Centiskorch
086/127 Energy Search
089/127 Crushing Hammer
091/127 Great Ball
094/127 Pal Pad
097/127 Switch
098/127 Pokémon Catcher
106/127 Burning Scarf
113/127 Professor's Research
115/127 Poké Kid
117/127 Hop
120/127 Marnie
122/127 Welder
— Fire Energy
Water Wailord V Deck
019/127 Krabby
020/127 Wingull
021/127 Pelipper
022/127 Carvanha
023/127 Sharpedo
024/127 Wailord
025/127 Chewtle
026/127 Drednaw
027/127 Cramorant
089/127 Crushing Hammer
091/127 Great Ball
092/127 Capacious Bucket
097/127 Switch
098/127 Pokémon Catcher
102/127 Big Charm
110/127 Misty's Determination
113/127 Professor's Research
114/127 Bede
115/127 Poké Kid
117/127 Hop
120/127 Marnie
— Water Energy
Lightning Pikachu V Deck
028/127 Pikachu
029/127 Electabuzz
030/127 Mareep
031/127 Flaaffy
032/127 Ampharos
033/127 Helioptile
034/127 Heliolisk
035/127 Yamper
036/127 Boltund
037/127 Pincurchin
088/127 Quick Ball
091/127 Great Ball
095/127 Rare Candy
097/127 Switch
098/127 Pokémon Catcher
101/127 Rotom Bike
113/127 Professor's Research
115/127 Poké Kid
117/127 Hop
119/127 Lt. Surge's Strategy
120/127 Marnie
123/127 Red's Challenge
— Lightning Energy
Psychic Mew V Deck
038/127 Mew
039/127 Natu
040/127 Xatu
041/127 Snubbull
042/127 Granbull
043/127 Galarian Corsola
044/127 Hatenna
045/127 Hattrem
046/127 Hatterene
047/127 Indeedee
085/127 Energy Switch
090/127 Evolution Incense
091/127 Great Ball
095/127 Rare Candy
097/127 Switch
098/127 Pokémon Catcher
105/127 Air Balloon
112/127 Sabrina's Suggestion
113/127 Professor's Research
115/127 Poké Kid
117/127 Hop
120/127 Marnie
— Psychic Energy
Fighting Lucario V Deck
048/127 Hitmonchan
049/127 Groudon
050/127 Lucario
051/127 Pancham
052/127 Pangoro
053/127 Rockruff
054/127 Lycanroc
055/127 Silicobra
056/127 Sandaconda
088/127 Quick Ball
091/127 Great Ball
097/127 Switch
098/127 Pokémon Catcher
100/127 Reset Stamp
104/127 Lucky Egg
111/127 Dan
113/127 Professor's Research
115/127 Poké Kid
117/127 Hop
120/127 Marnie
125/127 Martial Arts Dojo
— Fighting Energy
Darkness Galarian Slowbro V Deck
057/127 Ekans
058/127 Arbok
059/127 Galarian Slowbro
060/127 Grimer
061/127 Skorupi
062/127 Drapion
063/127 Trubbish
064/127 Impidimp
065/127 Morgrem
066/127 Grimmsnarl
090/127 Evolution Incense
091/127 Great Ball
093/127 Tool Scrapper
095/127 Rare Candy
097/127 Switch
098/127 Pokémon Catcher
107/127 Team Yell Grunt
109/127 Oleana
113/127 Professor's Research
115/127 Poké Kid
117/127 Hop
120/127 Marnie
— Darkness Energy
Metal Duraludon V Deck
067/127 Mawile
068/127 Meltan
069/127 Melmetal
070/127 Corviknight
071/127 Cufant
072/127 Copperajah
073/127 Duraludon
081/127 Rookidee
082/127 Corvisquire
088/127 Quick Ball
091/127 Great Ball
095/127 Rare Candy
097/127 Switch
098/127 Pokémon Catcher
099/127 Metal Saucer
113/127 Professor's Research
115/127 Poké Kid
116/127 Pokémon Center Lady
117/127 Hop
120/127 Marnie
124/127 Roller Skater
— Metal Energy
Colorless Eevee V Deck
074/127 Tauros
075/127 Eevee
076/127 Teddiursa
077/127 Ursaring
078/127 Swablu
079/127 Altaria
080/127 Zangoose
083/127 Wooloo
084/127 Dubwool
087/127 Potion
091/127 Great Ball
094/127 Pal Pad
096/127 Pokégear 3.0
097/127 Switch
098/127 Pokémon Catcher
103/127 Vitality Band
113/127 Professor's Research
115/127 Poké Kid
117/127 Hop
118/127 Bill's Analysis
120/127 Marnie
121/127 Rosa
127/127 Twin Energy
— Grass Energy
— Fire Energy
— Water Energy
— Lightning Energy
— Psychic Energy
— Fighting Energy
— Darkness Energy
— Metal Energy
Grass Venusaur V Deck
Fire Incineroar V Deck
Water Wailord V Deck
Lightning Pikachu V Deck
Psychic Mew V Deck
Fighting Lucario V Deck
Darkness Galarian Slowbro V Deck
Metal Duraludon V Deck
Colorless Eevee V Deck
SD:V Starter Decks  
Grass Venusaur V Deck
001/127 Venusaur
002/127 Weedle
003/127 Kakuna
004/127 Beedrill
005/127 Heracross
006/127 Snover
007/127 Abomasnow
008/127 Gossifleur
009/127 Eldegoss
087/127 Potion
091/127 Great Ball
095/127 Rare Candy
097/127 Switch
098/127 Pokémon Catcher
102/127 Big Charm
108/127 Erika's Hospitality
113/127 Professor's Research
115/127 Poké Kid
117/127 Hop
120/127 Marnie
126/127 Turffield Stadium
— Grass Energy
Fire Incineroar V Deck
010/127 Vulpix
011/127 Ninetales
012/127 Ponyta
013/127 Rapidash
014/127 Entei
015/127 Incineroar
016/127 Scorbunny
017/127 Sizzlipede
018/127 Centiskorch
086/127 Energy Search
089/127 Crushing Hammer
091/127 Great Ball
094/127 Pal Pad
097/127 Switch
098/127 Pokémon Catcher
106/127 Burning Scarf
113/127 Professor's Research
115/127 Poké Kid
117/127 Hop
120/127 Marnie
122/127 Welder
— Fire Energy
Water Wailord V Deck
019/127 Krabby
020/127 Wingull
021/127 Pelipper
022/127 Carvanha
023/127 Sharpedo
024/127 Wailord
025/127 Chewtle
026/127 Drednaw
027/127 Cramorant
089/127 Crushing Hammer
091/127 Great Ball
092/127 Capacious Bucket
097/127 Switch
098/127 Pokémon Catcher
102/127 Big Charm
110/127 Misty's Determination
113/127 Professor's Research
114/127 Bede
115/127 Poké Kid
117/127 Hop
120/127 Marnie
— Water Energy
Lightning Pikachu V Deck
028/127 Pikachu
029/127 Electabuzz
030/127 Mareep
031/127 Flaaffy
032/127 Ampharos
033/127 Helioptile
034/127 Heliolisk
035/127 Yamper
036/127 Boltund
037/127 Pincurchin
088/127 Quick Ball
091/127 Great Ball
095/127 Rare Candy
097/127 Switch
098/127 Pokémon Catcher
101/127 Rotom Bike
113/127 Professor's Research
115/127 Poké Kid
117/127 Hop
119/127 Lt. Surge's Strategy
120/127 Marnie
123/127 Red's Challenge
— Lightning Energy
Psychic Mew V Deck
038/127 Mew
039/127 Natu
040/127 Xatu
041/127 Snubbull
042/127 Granbull
043/127 Galarian Corsola
044/127 Hatenna
045/127 Hattrem
046/127 Hatterene
047/127 Indeedee
085/127 Energy Switch
090/127 Evolution Incense
091/127 Great Ball
095/127 Rare Candy
097/127 Switch
098/127 Pokémon Catcher
105/127 Air Balloon
112/127 Sabrina's Suggestion
113/127 Professor's Research
115/127 Poké Kid
117/127 Hop
120/127 Marnie
— Psychic Energy
Fighting Lucario V Deck
048/127 Hitmonchan
049/127 Groudon
050/127 Lucario
051/127 Pancham
052/127 Pangoro
053/127 Rockruff
054/127 Lycanroc
055/127 Silicobra
056/127 Sandaconda
088/127 Quick Ball
091/127 Great Ball
097/127 Switch
098/127 Pokémon Catcher
100/127 Reset Stamp
104/127 Lucky Egg
111/127 Dan
113/127 Professor's Research
115/127 Poké Kid
117/127 Hop
120/127 Marnie
125/127 Martial Arts Dojo
— Fighting Energy
Darkness Galarian Slowbro V Deck
057/127 Ekans
058/127 Arbok
059/127 Galarian Slowbro
060/127 Grimer
061/127 Skorupi
062/127 Drapion
063/127 Trubbish
064/127 Impidimp
065/127 Morgrem
066/127 Grimmsnarl
090/127 Evolution Incense
091/127 Great Ball
093/127 Tool Scrapper
095/127 Rare Candy
097/127 Switch
098/127 Pokémon Catcher
107/127 Team Yell Grunt
109/127 Oleana
113/127 Professor's Research
115/127 Poké Kid
117/127 Hop
120/127 Marnie
— Darkness Energy
Metal Duraludon V Deck
067/127 Mawile
068/127 Meltan
069/127 Melmetal
070/127 Corviknight
071/127 Cufant
072/127 Copperajah
073/127 Duraludon
081/127 Rookidee
082/127 Corvisquire
088/127 Quick Ball
091/127 Great Ball
095/127 Rare Candy
097/127 Switch
098/127 Pokémon Catcher
099/127 Metal Saucer
113/127 Professor's Research
115/127 Poké Kid
116/127 Pokémon Center Lady
117/127 Hop
120/127 Marnie
124/127 Roller Skater
— Metal Energy
Colorless Eevee V Deck
074/127 Tauros
075/127 Eevee
076/127 Teddiursa
077/127 Ursaring
078/127 Swablu
079/127 Altaria
080/127 Zangoose
083/127 Wooloo
084/127 Dubwool
087/127 Potion
091/127 Great Ball
094/127 Pal Pad
096/127 Pokégear 3.0
097/127 Switch
098/127 Pokémon Catcher
103/127 Vitality Band
113/127 Professor's Research
115/127 Poké Kid
117/127 Hop
118/127 Bill's Analysis
120/127 Marnie
121/127 Rosa
127/127 Twin Energy
— Grass Energy
— Fire Energy
— Water Energy
— Lightning Energy
— Psychic Energy
— Fighting Energy
— Darkness Energy
— Metal Energy